Welcome to the Boomer Briefing Podcast, where we help you solve a critical business issue in 20 minutes or less.
This episode, host Jon Hubbard, Consultant/Shareholder at Boomer Consulting has a conversation with Boomer Consulting Consultant/Shareholder, Arianna Campbell. Arianna specializes in process improvement. They discuss what role outsourcing and automation play when firms think about how to increase capacity, identifying tasks that can free up your staff, focusing on your clients, and adding more value.
Arianna on Twitter: @arianna_BCI
Arianna on LinkedIn: @ariannacampbell
Jon on Twitter: @Jon_Hubbard
Jon on LinkedIn: @jonhubbard
Youtube: boomer.link/o5x
Email: Jon.hubbard@boomer.com
Look out for new episodes every Tuesday, involving The Boomer Advantage 5 Pillars of a Successful Firm: leadership, process, technology, talent, and growth.
For more information about Boomer Consulting, visit boomer.com